Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy Statement

Assisted Living Project is committed to our corporate responsibility, with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) central to our planning and actions.

We treat these standards and goals seriously, integrating them fully into our decision making and operational processes. We seek to serve a target beneficiary group in need, as well as assisting in the delivery of life-transforming social impact.

Prioritising ESG and UN Sustainable Development Targets

Assisted Living Project is an environmentally and socially conscious business, underpinned by sustainability-focused policies and procedures. We promote and support recycling, reuse, and reducing consumption both within the company and with our external stakeholders.

All staff are committed to our ESG & SDG targets and our policies are regularly updated to reflect our sustainability commitments and activities.

We work with numerous external partners across many sectors, all of whom share our company values and are environmentally and socially conscious, remaining committed to the UN Sustainability Targets.

Provision of Assisted Living falls under the definition of a universal social good within the SDGs. “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” is the mission statement for SDG 3.

Our Address

Taggs Boatyard, 44 Summer Rd,
Thames Ditton,
Surrey, England,
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